Kindermatic Micki Weaving Loom 木製織機
西班牙進口 CE 安全認證
織布機是 西班牙 Micki 的經典木製玩具,受到所有小朋友的喜愛 - 非常適合訓練小手肌。 發揮小朋友的創造力,為小朋友的洋娃娃製作漂亮的地毯,為爸爸媽媽製作漂亮的桌布。 織機具有漂亮外觀,紗線採用時尚色調,在織機的所有部件中都重複出現。 它配有三種不同類型的紗線可供編織:5 m 柔軟粗紗、5 m 毛圈紗和 2 m 絲帶。 布料寬度為15厘米。
Imported from Spain CE Approval
The loom is a classic wooden toy from Micki () that has been loved by kids - perfect for industrious little hands. Let your creativity run wild and make nice rugs for your dolls or tablecloths for mum and dad. The loom has a modern look with yarn in trendy shades, which is repeated in all parts of the loom. It comes with three different types of yarn to weave with: 5 m. soft, thick yarn, 5 m. bouclé yarn and 2 m. silk ribbon. The fabric width is 15 cm.